Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Melting Stones by Tamora Pierce

TITLE:: Melting Stones by Tamora Pierce

Four years have passed since Evvy left the streets of Chammur to begin her training as a stone mage. At fourteen, she's unhappy to be on a new journey with her mentor, prickly green mage Rosethorn, who has been called to the Battle Islands to determine why the plants and animals there are dying. Evvy's job is to listen and learn, but she can't keep quiet and do nothing. With the help of Luvo, the living stone heart of a mountain, Evvy uncovers an important clue. Now, with the island on the brink of disaster, it's up to Evvy to avert the destruction that looms ahead.

I am a long time fan of Tamora Pierce and LOVE her books. Melting Stones had the same pull as the rest of Ms. Pierce's work but it was not as satisfying as the rest of her work. It was entertaining and I enjoyed the reading as any of her books. There was just too much time between my reading of Street Magic and reading Melting Stones to get into Evi's head.

RATING? 4/5 Stars

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